
Communicate instantly in a collaborative environment under your control: also involve customers and avoid message scattering between email and WhatsApp so you always know what has been decided.

Communicate instantly

Streamline your team's communication with instant messaging integrated into the workplace, with separate discussions for each project, ticket or task.
Start group conversations to receive in-app notifications for each update, without using external and personal applications such as Whatsapp.

Engage customers and partners in the discussion

Invite customers and partners to join – free of charge – discussions on projects that interest them.

The history of requests and decisions made will always be visible to the project team, in an extremely simple way.

Exchange files (up to 2GB!) directly in chat

Drag and drop documents to be shared into the discussion area to make them instantly available to everyone.

No need to send emails or use external sharing services with links that expire after a few days.

No one will be able to say otherwise

In a project chat, everything is saved automatically, and the conversation remains available to know what was decided.
No misunderstanding.
By also involving the customer, it will be even easier to quickly reach shared decisions.

Start private conversations

Communicating has never been easier: choose whether to start a communication with the project team or a private one-to-one communication.

Separate work from private

By bringing business discussions to Business Driver you let applications like Whatsapp - beyond your control - be used only for personal reasons or for marginal communications.

Log in without your device

It doesn't matter where you are, or if you have your computer with you. You will be able to access all discussions from any PC or phone, receive and send as many documents as you want without even worrying about your phone's storage space.

Reduce endless email chains for any decision

Mail is not a tool for collaborating. The discussion is fragmented into dozens of messages and everything becomes dispersive.
With the project chat you can count on a single and consistent flow, both for the simplest topics and for the most demanding discussions.

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