
With Business Driver you will be able to manage the organization and communication of one or more events with a single platform.

Are you forced to navigate between dozens of different apps to manage your event?

Organize your event at 360° thanks to Business Driver, the only platform that allows you to manage one or more events all in one space.
From the first invitation to the post-event, Business Driver includes dozens of applications that simplify and optimize your work.

freccia pre

Promote, invite, register and pay users online.

freccia durante

Have participants log in by scanning the QRcode.

freccia post

Request feedback and invite to subsequent events.

Manage your event in a few simple clicks

Business Driver offers you the complete solution to organize and get users to attend your event.

A clear, fast and functional app is essential for the success of your event, which is why we have integrated everything needed for its promotion and realization into our app. Management is simple and fast, both for the organizer and for the user, and you can organize as many events as you like.

Find out how it works.
mappa organizzatore

What can you do?

With Business Driver you can manage your event at 360°, from the first invitation to post-event. A circular flow that allows you to achieve exceptional results and also promote subsequent events.

What can the user do?

Business Driver, with a few simple steps, allows the user to relax and fully enjoy the experience. Just register, pay online and access the event with the QrCode sent by email and/or WhatsApp message to increase the number of participants and make your event sensational.

mappa utente
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