Cloud Monitoring

Make sure your sites and web applications are always reachable

Keep your websites , applications and services accessible from the web under control.

In case of an anomaly, Cloud Monitoring will automatically send you an alert so that you can intervene as soon as possible.

Through the data collected in the Business Driver Cloud Monitoring control panel, you can quickly analyze all the activity of the monitored services, easily identifying problems and their recurrence over time.

You will be the first to be notified

In case of unavailability of one of your services, you will be the first to be notified.

This way you will be able to intervene immediately, before the disservice can occur and even before your customer becomes aware of it.

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Monitor HTTP, HTTPS and SSL

Thanks to Cloud Monitoring you will be able to verify that web services are always correctly reachable, and that any SSL certificate has not expired or been revoked.

Any errors found will be acquired and saved in order to be analysed.


Can we call you in case of an error?

In some cases, nothing is more effective than a call.

If you wish, Business Driver Cloud Monitoring will be able to call you on your mobile number to promptly inform you of an anomaly on your services.

Or you can request the sending of SMS or e-mail notifications to one or more addresses.

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